Children's, Youth &
Community Center

Workshop: Cooking with chayote


Did you know that chayote has a great energetic value and we can grow it in Mindo? 

The participants of the “Cooking with Chayote” workshop slowly arrived at SALEM. They were shy, but at the same time eager to start learning. To start the long awaited workshop we formed a circle while social distancing.

Jonas Lange, director of SALEM Ecuador was very excited and welcomed the workshop participants. What a thrill it was to see the tables full of colors and smells. Many chayotes surrounded the tables as if it were an exhibition of the beautiful vegetable. 

The Slow Food community “Sustainable Food of the Andean Chocó”, organizer of this workshop, every year carries out activities that promote and strengthen a good, clean and fair food system in the community. The intention is to disseminate experiences on food production and its transformation in the kitchen. Through the exchange of knowledge among neighbors, who attend the workshops.

At the beginning of the workshop we were very excited to learn about the combinations that the chefs were about to show us, and the many fun recipes that we can make with chayote.

It is important for the community to recognize that there is a variety of foods in our environment in order to have a self-sustainable diet.

What is chayote?

It is a perennial, monoecious, perennial climbing plant that can grow up to 15 m long. Chayote has a high energetic value, antioxidants, vitamins and proteins, making it perfect for a balanced diet.

Here are some magnificent and delicious recipes, shown to us by our chefs.
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