SALEM International gemeinnützige GmbH
Lindenhof Salem · DE-95346 Stadtsteinach
Phone: +49 (0)9225 / 809 -0 · Fax: +49 (0)9225 / 809 -150
E-Mail: info@salem-mail.net · Internet: www.saleminternational.org
“SALEM international is registered in ecuador as an international geminige organization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”
- Board of Directors: Gerhard Lipfert, Samuel Müller, Heiko Weiß
- Commercial Registry Bayreuth, HRB 308.
- Head office: 95346 Stadtsteinach
- Ust-IdNr.: DE 132 357 573 (value added tax identification number)
- Steuer-Nr.: 208/147/40057 (tax number)
Bank details
VR Bank Oberfranken Mitte eG ·
BIC: GENODEF1KU1 · IBAN: DE55 7719 0000 0000 2557 77
Tax exemption
Under Tax Number 208/147/40057, due to the advancement of development assistance; youth and elderly welfare service; animal, nature and environmental protection; and the advancement of an international understanding as a common acknowledged goal, the work of SALEM International has been recognized by the Financial Office of Bayreuth, Germany as tax deductible and is free from corporate income tax under § 5 Abs.1 Nr.9 KStG.
We voluntarily send our yearly financial documentation, independently checked by the auditing company Rödl & Partner, to the Deutsches Zentralinstitut für Soziale Fragen (DZI).
Liability note
SALEM International takes no responsibility for the content of external web sites, nor do links to such sites imply endorsement of the views expressed by the organisations or individuals responsible for them, unless explicitly stated.