Family Counselling
Communication with families is a fundamental part of our work. Our professional team offers help in difficult situations and proactively seeks to improve the well-being of every family.
Some of the difficult situations that families find themselves in are scare economic resources, lack of affection, friction in family relationships, and the incidence or prevalence of cases of violence against women, children, and adolescents.
We work with families through counseling, practical workshops, and talks on various topics such as human rights and parenting. Family and community events as well as group projects are SALEM are held. Specialized attention is also offered in psychology and social work.
In cases of violence against women, children and adolescents, our rights protection team is immediately activated.
We urgently need to raise more funds to continue this crucial part of our work here in Mindo. Can you help us by making a small or large one time donation towards the costs of our Family Counselling work?
Our long term sponsors enable us to offer the high quality, sustainable level of service which makes a lasting impact in the families and leads to real long term change in the community! Are you able to make a small regular monthly donation as part of our Sponsorship Programme? If you have any questions regarding your donation please do not hesitate to contact us.