Children's, Youth &
Community Center

Domestic violence analysis


by: Johana Orozco

Domestic violence is one of the strongest social problems globally, and with greater presence in rural areas, where the level of education is primary and families are of low economic resources. These factors can cause negative reactions especially in those who lead or head the household and who often seek out the most vulnerable to unleash their anger, being their sons and daughters.

Statistical tables

SALEM Families

The tables break down the type of violence. To the question “How are you punished when you do something wrong?” the children and adolescents answered as follows: 15% physical violence, 40% psychological violence, 27.5% no form of violence, 17.5% physical and psychological violence.


Community Families

For the children and adolescents from the comparison group, the answers break down as follows: Physical violence: 54.5%, psychological violence 36.4%, no form of violence 9.1%.


90% of children and adolescents in the community of Mindo experience physical and psychological violence in their homes.

On the other hand, 72% of children and adolescents who come to SALEM suffer some type of violence in their homes, either physical or psychological or both together. Although it has not been possible to mitigate violence in its entirety, since it is a process that takes time to achieve a change of thinking in the family, with the intention that they understand that violence does not educate, but damages and truncates the integral development of those who are violated. However, 27% of SALEM’s children do not suffer any type of violence.

For SALEM, it is satisfying to obtain data that demonstrates our work in the community of Mindo. While it is true that we have not been able to eradicate violence in its entirety, we are happy to be able to reduce it by a high percentage. We try to reach out to the community in different ways, with campaigns such as “For a Mindo without violence”

Between mid-October and mid-November 2021 alone, we have received eight new cases of violence. This means that we currently receive a request for support from a victim every four days. We believe that this may be the echo of our campaigns, people no longer want to be silent, they do not want to be violated and they want to be heard.

We try to support everyone who seeks help. Unfortunately, our resources are not yet sufficient to provide all victims with the necessary accompaniment. 


We feel encouraged to continue defending the rights of those in need.
“SALEM for more justice”


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