Children's, Youth &
Community Center

Human Values


In times like these we share not only allegiance to a flag, a party or a president.

We must go beyond such constraints and we must share and embody real human values which connect all brothers and sisters in the global human family!

In times of crisis our human values remind us how we are implored to act towards our fellow man!

It is our human values, how we carry them in our hearts and enact them on a daily basis which will determine how we will overcome crises and be victorious in our communities!

#viva #mindo
#viva #ecuador
#viva #humanity


Our Values

The name SALEM is derived from the Hebrew “Shalom” and means “peace”.

The foundations of our work are based on Christian-humanitarian values. The principles of brotherly love („love thy neighbour“) and a commitment to social justice give us a clear orientation and motivation in our work. We express this through action and a practical living faith. All of the SALEM projects worldwide are affliated through the shared values of peace and helping those in need. Our Values


Since its inception the great work of SALEM Ecuador has been funded through the very generous, long term contributions of our donors!
To all of our donors we say: Thank you! Donate

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