Children's, Youth &
Community Center

Sharing SALEM with the global community


SALEM’s first live virtual event was a success!

Our planning and preparation paid off and we hosted an hour-long MEET SALEM event that included a tour of the grounds, a musical presentation from the SALEM kids, a demonstration of alternative education materials  and everyone’s favorite was Johana and Maira’s story about growing up as a SALEM kid and returning as young adults to volunteer and support the Center.

Our virtual guests were delighted to meet a part of the SALEM team and learn about a few of the ways SALEM activities benefit the community. Our viewers also got to hear about our newest initiative at SALEM: Project Practice Peace, supporting victims of abuse and domestic violence through ongoing counseling and therapy services.

We are looking for financial support to turn this project into a long-term service that we provide. Please consider making a monthly or one-time donation to this project.

Click here to watch a short video about a day in SALEM Ecuador.


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