Long-lasting friendship: Yulissa and Sebastián
Yulissa and I came to SALEM when we were both 9 years old as complete strangers. As the years passed, we became inseparable friends.
When we were kids, we went through hard times at home. SALEM helped us dream about higher goals and purposes; we learned to love all living beings, respect differing opinions, appreciate cultural differences, and how to work communally. We could not control what was happening at our houses, but in SALEM we felt free to be kids. When we played together, we wanted to be a support structure for others, and we all became a family that endured for years.
We are now 21 years old and are still the best of friends. We live in different cities due to our university studies. Yulissa is pursuing a degree in Social Work while I study Communication. We miss each other constantly but support each other from afar. We believe we can help our society in some way and want to change the world a little with our input.
Despite the distance we always try to return to our second home SALEM, where we can always dream big and fly high.
What SALEM means to the community of Mindo is support, love, hope, and respect.